MAST is seeking the sponsorship to support its mini grant program. If you or your company are interested in sponsoring this valuable support to our teachers of science in Maryland please email the current president.
Thank you for your support of science teaching in Maryland,
Dr. Mary Stapleton
Maryland Association of Science Teachers
Maryland Association of Science Teachers
Advertising & Sponsors Contract
The Maryland Association of Science Teachers (MAST), a local affiliate of the National Science Teachers Association, is a professional, non-profit organization dedicated to science education in the state of Maryland. It strives to make science accessible and enjoyable to the citizens of Maryland by promoting and supporting career education in science and technology, instruction for general science literacy, and science outreach programs in all geographic regions of Maryland. MAST maintains connections with science teachers through its website, <emast.org>, and the electronic newsletter, The E-Rapper, which is distributed to members 3-4 times a year. MAST reaches science teachers at all levels, K-12, across the state as well as science supervisors and other educators.
MAST will accept advertisements for inclusion in periodic issues of its electronic publication, The E-Rapper. MAST will also provide listings of name & address of sponsoring companies on the MAST website, <emast.org>. Advertisers & sponsors must agree to the following terms, sign, and send this contract to the MAST Treasurer at the address given below.
1. Advertiser/Sponsor agrees to protect and hold harmless the Maryland Association of Science Teachers (MAST) from any suits for the violation of right to privacy, plagiarism, copyright infringement, and any and all claims in connection with the advertisements referred to in this contract, and assumes liability for all the content of advertisements published and for any claim arising from these made against MAST.
2. Only authorized personnel for the Advertiser/Sponsor may execute this contract.
3. E-Rapper sponsorships are per school year, September 1 to August 31.
4. Executed contracts should be received by the Treasurer by the copy due dates given above with payments included. Sponsorships may be submitted at any time to the Treasurer, with cost prorated by the proportion of the school year remaining to August 31.
5. MAST reserves the right at any time to decline any advertisements it deems to be inappropriate or contrary to the mission of MAST.
Company name ______________________________________________________
Complete address ____________________________________________________
I agree to all terms:
Name & title _________________________________________________________Email _____________________________________________________________________
Signature_______________________________________ Date ________________
E-Rapper Advertising Rates - Please circle your selection
Size |
1 issue
2 issues
1 year (w or more issues
1/4 page
$75 |
$65 each = $130
$50 each = $150
1/2 page
$100 |
$90 each = $180
$75 each = $225
_______________ |
1 page (8.5 x 11)
$200 |
$180 each = $360
$150 each = $450
Advertising cost subtotal |
_______________ |
Corporate sponsor listing at <www.emast.org> |
Sponsor name & address listing (only) on sponsor page
Sponsor name, address and logo on sponsor page
Sponsor name, address, logo and live internet link on sponsor page |
Sponsor subtotal
Please make check payable to MAST
Total amount enclosed
Send contract & payment to: MAST Treasurer
P.O. Box 1743 Bowie, MD 20717
Email advertisements to:
Kate Cobb <kathryn.cobb@pgcps.org>
Ads should be in JPG or MS Word format.